- Robert Boswell's new collection, The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards, is out from Graywolf.
- Sherrie Flick's debut novel, Reconsidering Happiness, will be published in the fall. In the meantime, you can read her essay about the flash fiction form in The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction, available now.
- Christopher Newgent's "At the Fire Scene" and John McNally's "Ascension," both published in Freight Stories, have been selected for the Wigleaf Top 50, which honors the best flash fiction published online. Kyle Minor, whose story "The Navy Man" appeared in our second issue, has a different story in the Top 50. Darlin' Neal served as the selecting editor for the Wigleaf Top 50, and three of her short-shorts appeared in our second issue. Sherrie Flick's "Inside, No, Further In" from our first issue also made the longlist.
- Victoria Patterson's book of linked stories, Drift, is out now from Houghton Mifflin.
- Patricia Henley is publishing a serialized novel, Home Plate, on her new blog. Word on the street is that she's just completed a short story collection that includes "Red Lily" from Freight Stories No. 3.
- Several FS authors had their work nominated for the Million Writers Award, including Cathy Day, Gina Ochsner, Susan Neville, Alexander Parsons, and Kyle Minor.
- Nathan Graziano's new book of poetry, After the Honeymoon, will be published in September.
- Rachel Furey won the Wabash Prize from the Sycamore Review; Tobias Wolff selected her story "Birth Act" and it will appear in print next year.
- Margaret McMullan's Cashay is now available from Houghton Mifflin.